Forbes Museum – Founded by Malcolm Forbes, publisher of Forbes Magazine
The Tangier Forbes Museum is located on the Marshan in Tangier and was founded by Malcolm Forbes, who is also the publisher of the Forbes magazine. The Forbes museum is situated on a 10-acre piece of land called Palais Mendoub, which creates the perfect surroundings for this unique museum and its armament collection.
The Tangier Forbes Museum remained in the Forbes family name until 1990 when Malcolm Forbes passed away. After their father’s death, the Forbes children decided to sell the property rather than keep it. Today the Forbes Museum is owned by the Moroccan government and is used as a place for visiting dignitaries to stay in.
Malcom Forbes, an American billionaire, was recognized as a leading collector of lead soldiers. When Forbes opened the Tangier Forbes Museum he had 115,000 lead models to display in the building. The lead soldiers have been placed in various settings based on major battles that have occurred right through history. These lead soldiers re-enact battles like Waterloo and Dien Bien Phû in as realistic a manner as possible. Special sound effects and lighting have been added to complete the feel as you look upon these various battles. Some showcases have scenes of complete armies standing on guard, while others depict battle scenes. Outside of the Forbes Museum in the garden, there is a botanic display made up of over 600 statuettes paying respect to the Battle of Three Kings.
You can write to the Tangier Forbes Museum at Forbes Museum, Palais Mendoub, rue Shakespeare, Tangier, Morocco. You can also phone the Museum at (212 9) 93 36 06 or you can fax them at (212 9) 93 43 28. The Forbes Museum is open every day of the week and including the weekend. The Museum opens every day at 10:00 am and closes everyday at 17:00 pm.
The Medina of Tangier dates back to 500 B.C. and is located by a stunning bay. There are a number of sights and attractions that one can visit, including the Grand and Petite Socco, the harbor and the Kasbah as well as the fascinating Forbes Museum.